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Can You Feed the Wild Dolphins in Mauritius? 

While you may be tempted, it is absolutely not recommended to feed the wild dolphins in Mauritius. In fact, feeding the dolphins during a dolphin swimming excursion is banned by the Mauritian government. 


So, you may be asking, why is it such a big deal if you feed the dolphins? 


Just like any wild animal, the wild dolphins need to be able to catch their own food to survive. If they become too accustomed to being fed, they may begin to slowly lose this ability to find their own food. In other words, the dolphins could become dependent on travelers feeding them in order to survive.


Apart from being magnificent creatures worthy of protection, the wild dolphins in Mauritius also provide a livelihood for many Mauritians who work in the tourist industry. It is in the best interest of the dolphins, and those who rely on them, to ensure that the dolphins remain self-sufficient and healthy.

For this reason it’s not permitted for travelers to feed the wild dolphins, nor for operators to feed them in order to attract them, during a Mauritius dolphin tour.

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